UPDATE JAN 9 9am PST: by Bev Harris at

I just got off the phone with Jennifer Call, Town Clerk for Sutton. She confirmed that the Ron Paul totals in Sutton were actually 31, and said that they were “left off the tally sheet” and it was human error.

This is not an acceptable answer, especially because one of the most common forms of fraud in a hand count system is to alter or omit results on the reporting sheet. Hand count is lovely, transparent. They then fill out another reconciliation sheet, often in front of witnesses, and it looks fine. Then they provide a summary or media sheet with the incorrect results.

A Web site here: has more on fraud techniques with hand counted paper ballots. You’ll have to dig for it — or Google, and the excellent research on this is Theresa Hommel from the state of New York. Read the rest of this entry »

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – In response to an article published by The New Republic, Ron Paul issued the following statement:

“The quotations in The New Republic article are not mine and do not represent what I believe or have ever believed.  I have never uttered such words and denounce such small-minded thoughts.

“In fact, I have always agreed with Martin Luther King, Jr. that we should only be concerned with the content of a person’s character, not the color of their skin.  As I stated on the floor of the U.S. House on April 20, 1999:  ‘I rise in great respect for the courage and high ideals of Rosa Parks who stood steadfastly for the rights of individuals against unjust laws and oppressive governmental policies.’

“This story is old news and has been rehashed for over a decade.  It’s once again being resurrected for obvious political reasons on the day of the New Hampshire primary.

“When I was out of Congress and practicing medicine full-time, a newsletter was published under my name that I did not edit.  Several writers contributed to the product.   For over a decade, I have publically taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name.”

By Paul Joseph Watson

 Desperate for a Gulf of Tonkin style incident to reinvigorate momentum for an attack on Iran after the National Intelligence Estimate derailed the push for war, the Pentagon is crying foul over the alleged hostile intent of Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats after an incident in the Strait of Hormuz this weekend.

In what U.S. officials called a serious provocation, Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats harassed and provoked three U.S. Navy ships in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, threatening to explode the American vessels, reports the Associated Press.
U.S. forces were on the verge of firing on the Iranian boats in the early Sunday incident, when the boats turned and moved away, a Pentagon official said. “It is the most serious provocation of this sort that we’ve seen yet,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record.

Of course, the hyping of such an incident is directly timed to correlate with Bush’s visit to the middle east this week in which he will make a desperate attempt to resurrect the boogeyman of Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program. He will also be briefed by Israeli security officials about “Iran’s nuclear programme – and how it could be destroyed,” reports the London Times.

The Times seems to conveniently leave out the fact that the CIA’s most recent National Intelligence Estimate emphatically concluded that Iran ceased its pursuit of a nuclear weapon in 2003.

But that matters not to war junkie Neo-Cons who will use any pretext to send more American boys and girls into the imperial meat-grinder in the interests of middle eastern hegemony and corporate blood money.

Numerous respected public figures, from Ron Paul to Zbigniew Brzezinski have warned that a Gulf of Tonkin style stunt could be pulled as a pretext for air strikes on Iran.

It certainly wouldn’t be the first time the Bush administration has considered staging incidents as a justification for war. During Bush’s January 31 2003 meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a scenario whereby Saddam Hussein would be goaded into shooting down a U2 spy plane painted in UN colors was discussed.

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By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
January 8, 2008

What is it about Ron Paul that the Establishment finds so disturbing?
This is a man who perhaps personifies Christian character and
integrity, American patriotism, and family values more than any other
public figure. Ron Paul is a committed family man whose marriage to
Carol has lasted for more than 50 years. He is a lover of families and
children. As an OB/GYN physician, Dr. Paul has delivered more than
4,000 babies into this world. His life demonstrates a commitment to
life and marriage.

Furthermore, Ron Paul’s devotion to Christ is very personal and deep.
Unlike many politicians (especially in the Republican Party), Ron Paul
does not wear his religion on his sleeve. He doesn’t need to. Anyone
who knows him knows his faith is exhibited on a daily basis. His life
and family are testaments to his Christian faith.

Beyond that, Ron Paul’s record in Congress is so unblemished, so
honest, so full of integrity that it is difficult to describe. This is
a man who actually takes his oath to the Constitution (an oath every
congressman, senator, and President also takes–but then ignores)
seriously. So much so that he has never voted to raise taxes, never
voted for an unbalanced budget, never voted for a congressional pay
raise, never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership, and
never voted to increase the power of the executive branch of the
federal government. Read the rest of this entry »

Days before Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, she gave an interview to David Frost. Bhutto said that Osama Bin Laden was murdered & the person responsible may be behind the attempts to kill her. Frost ignored it and asked no follow up questions.

The assassination attempt they are speaking of in this clip is the suicide bombing that took place upon her return to Pakistan.

Since she can no longer repeat this information, let us do it for her.  Are the words in this clip the reason she is dead?

Thinking for Yourself is Now a Crime

Paul Craig Roberts
Information Clearing House
January 4, 2008Extinguishing Liberty’s Light and Independent Views

What was the greatest failure of 2007? President Bush’s “surge” in Iraq? The decline in the value of the US dollar? Subprime mortgages? No. The greatest failure of 2007 was the newly sworn in Democratic Congress.

The American people’s attempt in November 2006 to rein in a rogue government, which has committed the US to costly military adventures while running roughshod over the US Constitution, failed. Replacing Republicans with Democrats in the House and Senate has made no difference.

The assault on the US Constitution by the Democratic Party is as determined as the assault by the Republicans. On October 23, 2007, the House passed a bill sponsored by California Democratic congresswoman Jane Harman, chairwoman of a Homeland Security subcommittee, that overturns the constitutionally guaranteed rights to free expression, association, and assembly.

The bill passed the House on a vote of 404-6. In the Senate the bill is sponsored by Maine Republican Susan Collins and apparently faces no meaningful opposition.

Harman’s bill is called the “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act.” [ ] When HR 1955 becomes law, it will create a commission tasked with identifying extremist people, groups, and ideas. The commission will hold hearings around the country, taking testimony and compiling a list of dangerous people and beliefs. The bill will, in short, create massive terrorism in the United States. But the perpetrators of terrorism will not be Muslim terrorists; they will be government agents and fellow citizens. Read the rest of this entry »

Twilight of the Psychopaths

Dr. Kevin Barrett
The Canadian
January 4, 2007

“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.” – John Lennon, before his murder by CIA mind-control subject Mark David Chapman

When Gandhi was asked his opinion of Western civilization he said it would be a good idea. But that oft-cited quote, is misleading, assuming as it does that civilization is an unmitigated blessing.

Civilized people, we are told, live peacefully and cooperatively with their fellows, sharing the necessary labour in order to obtain the leisure to develop arts and sciences. And while that would be a good idea, it is not a good description of what has been going on in the so-called advanced cultures during the past 8,000 years.

Civilization, as we know it, is largely the creation of psychopaths. All civilizations, our own included, have been based on slavery and “warfare.” Incidentally, the latter term is a euphemism for mass murder.

The prevailing recipe for civilization is simple: Read the rest of this entry »


This is the switchboard number for the Dept. of Treasury, we recommend you call and ask if it is true that Sec. Paulson has died. When we called one person denied that the Sec. was dead but was not willing to be quoted.

If the word around the campfire is true, it will be announced in the next day or so that Sec. Paulson died of a “heart attack”, yeah bullets will do that!

Flood their phones! When we got through we were told that anyone who could comment, the Deputy Sec., etc. was “in meetings”. We left an email address and will report on whether we get a response. We did not leave a phone number when asked.

We recommend referring to yourself as a blogger or reporter for something, College paper, local paper, etc. and just ask for an official response to the story. The last person we spoke with said they had only received “a couple of calls” on this story.  If you make the call, please report back in a comment on this story about what was said.

Kurt Nimmo
Truth News
December 31, 2007

Ron PaulIn the first ten days of its voyage, the Ron Paul blimp generated more than $500,000 in publicity for the presidential candidate, an astounding success. However, as successful as the blimp idea is, there is a drawback: non-rigid airships are subject to weather conditions. “Our initial attempts to go north resulted in a fair amount of down time due to weather conditions. This affected the total amount of publicity and advertising value we could generate,” notes the Ron Paul Blimp website. “By heading south we intend to tap into professional sporting events, heavily populated shorelines, celebrity appearances, key political events and more.”

Enter the Ron Paul Air Corps.

Ted Anderson, owner of the Genesis Communications Network, came up with the idea of using aircraft to get the Ron Paul message out to the public by way of banner towing. “In the weeks ahead, the Ron Paul Air Corps plans to put a hundred or more banner flights above American cities to get the message about Ron Paul out,” explains the Ron Paul Air Corps website. “By the end of January, we plan to have 50 flights take to the air. You can buy as much ad time as you like. Flight time will be determined based upon the collective whole. The flying billboard advertisements will continue as sponsorship lasts.”

Please do your part and pledge your sponsorship to this unique and invaluable idea. Go the Ron Paul Air Corps website now and get involved:



Editor: The following is presented for your investigation with no validity expressed or intended.

Wednesday 2 January 2008 02:18

Henry M. Paulson, the Secretary of the United States Treasury, died today from gunshot wounds suffered as described in this report. The State Department have confirmed this to sources in touch with this service. We do not know, and it may never be known, whether Paulson was shot dead ‘in the course of duty’ given that he had continually committed gross treason in time of war and had repeatedly (we are informed) been warned of the consequences if he did not cease and desist.

Christians are supposed to pray for their enemies, so a fervent prayer for Paulson and his family is in order right now given the terrible state of affairs that arose due to this man’s intransigence. It should be added, in the interests of justice, that although Paulson committed the financial crimes described in these reports with great arrogance, it is also the case that he did these things at the urging of and in collusion with the Bush Crime Family, as every informed observer is well aware. Read the rest of this entry »