Search and Support Ron Paul

September 30, 2007

Lately, we’ve been seeing banner signs popping up in major cities around the country with directives like Google Ron Paul and Youtube Ron Paul. What a powerful way to get U.S. citizens to interact and actively participate in the Ron Paul Revolution. If they care to see who Ron Paul is, then they will have to go online, use Google or Youtube to search for him.

It doesn’t give any information directly on the banner. We really wonder how powerful this type of grassroots banner campaign will be. Will people actually be prompted to go online to the Internet and plug Ron Paul’s name into search engines? Will they even know he is a candidate in the 2008 Presidential Elections?

Our initial assumptions are this: 1) those who use the Internet often will key in Ron Paul because its a short name, just because they curious and it involves a major service provider, 2) if you don’t know who Ron Paul is, it won’t prompt you to do anything and you’ll ignore the banner all together, and 3) you have heard of Ron Paul , so you Google or Youtube to find out more information about his campaign

Our recommendations to those putting these banners up is to mix in other messages with the directives. For example, place No More Taxes on the first line, second line place Ron Paul. If people are driving around the city, see that type of message, its powerful and its something Ron Paul would highly push for. Then you are driving around later, and you see a Google Ron Paul. On a psychological level, it instructs you to see who Ron Paul is because he obviously agrees with U.S. citizens not paying taxes.

We would love to have comments and opinions about this Ron Paul campaign.

Recent Activities and Partial History of Faction Two

The Opposition to the New World Order

By Rayelan Allan

It is obvious to most researchers of government crimes and corruption that EgyptAir 990 was purposely destroyed. The only question is: What method was used and why?

The mass murder of the passengers and crew of EgyptAir 990, occurred on Halloween, October 31st, 1999. For 20 years, this date has been an important one in the war between the two factions of the American Intelligence Agencies.

On October 31, 1979, President Jimmy Carter fired 700 CIA operatives and agents. This is referred to as the Halloween Massacre.

Some of these operatives and agents, such as George Bush, did not take kindly to being fired. They began to conspire to defeat Jimmy Carter in the 1980 election.

There were other covert types who knew that Carter had to be removed, no matter what had to be done. These men were part of a small black operation run by an old OSS man named William Joseph Casey.

During WWII, Casey quickly realized that he did not come from the right side of the tracks, as far as the OSS was concerned. Even though he was a lawyer from a respected New York Law School, he did not have the right pedigree. In other words, he was not from the East Coast Elite who were the children of the families who owned the Federal Reserve Banking System.

Casey saw less capable men given positions and assignments for which they were not qualified. He realized that the OSS was a private club, and no matter how good he was, he could not join it, because he was not born into the right family.

During World War II a conspiracy to murder Adolph Hitler was being planned. The men who were behind the conspiracy were mainly of royal blood. While they supported Hitler in the beginning, they quickly came to believe that he had come under the control of outside forces. Some even suspected that the occult masters who taught him in his early years, had somehow gained control of him, possibly through hypnosis or some form of mind control programming.

The conspirators could see that international corporations, mostly owned by the same families who owned the Federal Reserve banks, were the ones who were gaining the most by the war. The conspirators sought the help of England and the United States. Neither country wanted to help these men kill Hitler and end the war. The conspirators realized that if the war continued, Germany, Austria and all of the countries that made up the Old Austro-Hungarian Empire, would be bombed back into the stone age and destroyed almost beyond repair. Because of this, the conspirators knew they had to act, no matter how slim their chances were, and no matter what cost they would have to pay if they failed. Read the rest of this entry »

Ron Paul is calling for an end to the War on Drugs. He cites numbers where blacks are singled out and punished more often for drug use than any other ethnic group. Thanks Mr. Paul for bringing this to our attention.

Secretly, the Federal government of the United States intentionally lets in a large percentage of drugs across the borders. The New World Order allows this to happen for the fact that it causes addiction in people, dependency to something other than themselves, weakens the mind of individuals and continues violence and chaos in society.

Occassionally, you will hear a story of a drug bust, a large one. This is done to feed the propoganda machine so they can justify their Drug War.

When you buy drugs you are essentially supporting the Federal government and their Drug War. Take away their drugs and what do you have?

The dark side of the sustainable development movement George Hunt, a business consultant, was present at the earlier mentioned 1987 Fourth World Wilderness Congress as a member of the staff.

At the conference he noticed it had very little to do with the conventional environment movement and was surprised to see people like Maurice Strong, Edmund de Rothschild (Pilgrims Society), David Rockefeller (Pilgrims Society), and James A. Baker (Pilgrims Society; Cap & Gown; trustee American Institute for Contemporary German Studies; Atlantic Council of the United States; National Security Planning Group; Bohemian Grove; CFR; Carlyle; advisor George W. Bush in his 2000 election). 

U.S. Dollar Tanks!

September 23, 2007

U.S. DollarSince the U.S. Dollar is tanking and will continue to plunge until we actually back up its value with real gold bars, thought we’d share a few links:

Ron Paul Slams Bernanke For Dollar Meltdown

Greenspan Publicly Shamed for Intentionally Destroying Dollar

Canadian Dollar Trades Equal to US Dollar

How the Falling Dollar Affects Americans

US Dollar Weakens, Stocks on the Rise


In a new op-ed, Bilderberg luminary Henry Kissinger admits that U.S. hostility against Iran is not about the threat of nuclear proliferation, but as part of a larger agenda to seize Iranian oil supplies. But the true meaning behind this is lost on Neo-Cons, who are still deluded into thinking that Americans benefit from the imperial looting of natural resources in the middle east.

In an International Herald Tribune op-ed , Former US Secretary of State Kissinger comes clean on the true motives behind the planned military assault on Iran.

“An Iran that practices subversion and seeks regional hegemony – which appears to be the current trend – must be faced with lines it will not be permitted to cross. The industrial nations cannot accept radical forces dominating a region on which their economies depend,” writes Kissinger.

“Iran has legitimate aspirations that need to be respected,” he writes – but those legitimate aspirations do not include control over the oil that the United States and other industrial countries need,” he concludes.

According to the CIA’s world factbook, Iran has the world’s second largest reserves of conventional crude oil at 133 gigabarrels. Adding non-conventional oil, Iran holds 10% of the global oil supply.

Read more of Kissinger Admits Iran Attack Is About Oil 

We received a direct response from Florida’s Attorney General today. It is more of a blanket response, but here it is:

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum has received your email regarding the arrest of a University of Florida student during a recent event. Attorney General McCollum asked that we respond.

Your comments are indicative of the broad spectrum of public opinion concerning  appropriate government response.  Attorney General McCollum shares your concerns about the duties of our law enforcement authorities,
public officials, and the media to responsibly and ethically balance the vigorous pursuit of truth with individual rights and freedom of speech.

The University of Florida adminstrators have requested that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) conduct a formal  and independent investigation of the actions surrounding the arrest of the student.  If you
would like information regarding the FDLE, their website is:

If you wish to contact FDLE for further  information, you may do so at Post Office Box 1489, Tallahassee, Florida 32302.  The telephone number is (850) 410-7000.

You may also wish to voice your concerns to the Internal Affairs section and/or the head of the law enforcement agency in question.  Part IV of
Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, sets forth the process and requirements pertaining to complaints against law enforcement officers.  You may access that chapter and the Florida Statutes in their entirety in a searchable database online at:

Thank you for contacting Attorney General McCollum’s Office.

What do you think of the e-mail letter?

There is a fantastic article by Howard Ditkoff that looks into the emotions and psychology  of people responding to the Andrew Meyer taser incident.

Howard writes:

What I’ve found most fascinating about the situation are the responses.

Clearly there has been a significant proportion of people that has responded with anger and indignation to what they view as the police using far too much force on Meyer without just cause. Some of those people go as far as to claim that the action was an attempt to deny Andrew Meyer his First Amendment rights and to unfairly and/or illegally suppress his pointed questions about some highly sensitive issues.

On the other hand, many people I have spoken with have defended the police. Even while admitting that their actions may have been rather heavy-handed, they will bring up – and reasonably so – the fact that police officers work in an atmosphere of great danger. Thus, they argue, we need to be sympathetic to the fact that the officers were responding to a person who was in fact resisting arrest, regardless of whether or not the arrest was originally justified or not.

But what is most striking to me is the level of emotion with which I’ve seen people, including myself, respond on both sides of the issue. As the phrase goes “When it’s hysterical, it’s historical,” and I have come to believe that people are reacting to this event based mostly on their own past experiences with authority figures during their development and/or their own coping responses to those experiences.

Read the full article at  Emotional Responses to the Andrew Meyer & John Kerry Incident: A Psychological Study in Issues of Power, Anger and Authority

Do you know of or is there is a federal, state, city, or local law that allows for arrest or seizure of a person in the United States? If there is any, do these laws comply with the U.S. Constitution?

This is our initial response to a reader. 

I don’t fully agree with the use if disruption to levy our right to free speech. However, it appears the organizers of the event cut the students short from asking their questions. It is also reported that the Dean had the bulk of time to ask questions to Kerry, but the students had less than half that time.

The only reason Meyer ran to the front of the line was to emphasize this, then he went ahead and asked his questions. Kerry was even willing to answer the questions and told the officers to leave Meyer alone. I’m sure if Meyer were permitted to speak as scheduled, where he had to wait his turn, he would have asked his questions without such emotion.

But it all falls back to the point, how far is too far when it comes to police force and brutality? There were 5 or 6 police officers (depending on the report you read). Surely, that many cops could contain and escort him out.

There is an incident in a different state with a David Snyder. He was escorted out of a council city budget meeting, beat, bloodied and arrested. They didn’t use a taser on him and were able to get him outside. However, he protested and tried to resist arrest. He was also denied his right to free speech.

Both these acts, in different locations, signal things to come. They signal our government has turned into a tyranny and that our innate God-given freedoms will be oppressed. Those who oppose or resist will be beaten and made to look like scapegoats in the public’s eye.