Brandon Dean
Thus Always to Tyrants
January 11, 2008

Well, I have a few thoughts on the obvious vote fraud which has taken place in New Hampshire. This is directed at everyone, but especially those of you who have been struggling for truth for years now.

To those of you who finally started to see what all of us “kooks” have been screaming about for years since you’ve discovered Ron Paul in the last year or so, who have seen the truth in what Ron Paul says about government corruption, and have then witnessed the blacklisting of this one honest politician amongst a heap of drooling sycophants who call themselves the “media:” welcome to our world… We have been trying to wake folks like you up and it’s been very difficult. Not so much to get through to folks logically, but to get people to care about something.

Something akin to the Ron Paul Revolution was necessary to wake a greater mass of people out of their apathy. We as strugglers for truth must not lose sight of what the greater power of this revolution is: loss of this apathy. it’s more powerful than a presidency. Far more. When there is a massive wave of caring awareness, those abusing this system will scurry for cover for fear of exposure. As it stands, our system has been thwarted to award villainy.

To those of you who have been around longer than this last year: did you think the establishment would not do everything in its power to deflect Dr. Paul? Of course you knew, but like me you probably watched the first caucus and primary amid some vague dream outstretched in hope that just maybe it would be (somewhat) fair. Perhaps the powers-that-be should have considered changing Dr. Paul’s 5th place status from Iowa to New Hampshire in the interest of succeeding at their farce?

In an unbelievable episode, the town of Sutton, New Hampshire, reported 0 votes for Dr. Paul. When a local Sutton family realized they had all voted for Ron Paul (5 total votes) yet NONE of these votes appeared on the official chart provided by Associated Press to all the networks, the information reached one Bev Harris of Bev Harris proceeded to call Sutton officials, who “discovered” that 31 votes had been cast for Ron Paul, but had “accidentally” been shuffled off to the “other” pool, and said they would “fix” it right away. I never saw any change in the charts however…

Hillary Clinton, the smoke-breathing demon-clone of Bill Clinton (who deserves A LOT more ire than he gets), also stole her win from Barack Obama, the CFR frontman whose wife is the head of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. This alone tells me the man is a globalist, besides the fact that he’s a Democrat. Whatever; he was cheated and it ain’t right. Entrance Straw Polls barely ever miss by 2 percent, but water turned to wine that night for Shillary Clinton. Somehow she turned a definite 14 point loss into a 10 point win! Miracle of miracles! Black became white (pun intended), up became down, and war became peace all in one night, and the sun didn’t snuff out! Nope, the machinery of Media barely noticed. A few “wows” and “what the’s” and voila! it’s on to South Carolina! Woo Hoo!!

All of this is grievous and horrendously surprising to those who have discovered the gift of utter government corruption in the last year. It’s unbelievable! WTF is going on? OMG!!! I am not ROTF right now!

To the rest of us, who probably know that every presidential election since 1960 has been a fraud, this better not surprise you. Time for a moment of tough love: Snap out of it! Stop living in a dream world! Even if Dr. Paul was elected somehow, how long do you think he’d last in office unless he completely compromised? And never forget lest ye are tempted to think of how long Kennedy lasted with delusions of grandeur: Kennedy was blackmailed. BOBBY Kennedy was incorruptible. John was corruptible, even though he remains our last true president, because he stopped letting himself be blackmailed and went to war with these vicious blood-thirsty monsters. So did Bobby, and he didn’t even make it to the White House. It was in my hometown of Los Angeles, California that he was gunned down in front of dozens of witnesses after he won the 1968 California Democratic Primary.

But here is the good news: Ron Paul has already accomplished what he originally set out to accomplish, that which is more powerful than a presidency: the corrosion of apathy. God bless his soul for what he has done to wake people in this country up.

And if the elections are totally faked, and if Dr. Paul never gets close to the Oval Office, I say the more likely the chances of this young movement surviving its infancy. If Dr. Paul starts winning all the primaries, and they see no alternative but to kill him, will this freedom movement go the way of Bobby Kennedy’s? Will the Ron Paul Revolution morph into a small little group of frothing violent-minded revolutionaries, completely missing the point of Paul’s message? Will it just fade completely, like a beautiful song lost in a strong wind? I believe that is the strongest possibility, sadly enough.
But if Dr. Paul loses through fraud and corruption, proving out everything he’s been saying, the only thing that will happen is he will gain more followers.

I cannot express my admiration of Dr. Paul for what he is doing for all of us. He has become one of the great American Heroes, and he deserves a seat next to Andrew Jackson, and Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Samuel Adams, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and too many others to mention.

To have watched Dr. Paul’s speeches in congress for years, to have written him letters to run for president at least four times in the last ten years, to have read his financial exposes and speeches, and then to see how huge his candidacy has become is a miracle I truly never expected to see. What has happened so far has so far exceeded my expectations because I, like Dr. Paul, had underestimated the malcontent of the American people. I am in awe of his support. The man has already won! The message is out! It’s now far too late for the New World Order and I’m not sure if they realize it yet…

Ted Lang
The People’s Voice
December 29, 2007

Let US be perfectly clear on just one thing going into 2008: Congressman Ron Paul of the 14th District in Texas will NOT be allowed to win. Period – end of discussion!

I have previously written that Congressman Ron Paul is America’s last hope of restoring the constitutionally limited republican form of government envisioned by BOTH our Federalist and anti-Federalist Founding Fathers. And both Federalists and anti-Federalists abhorred cash-raising and lobby-dominated political parties that catered to pay-offs from big money. For it is the political parties and their supportive cash-bearing lobbies and big corporate benefactors that comprise The Establishment which has replaced the will of the people.

Ron Paul is the only candidate with not only a rock-solid political campaign platform to rescue and restore constitutionally limited government in the United States; he is the ONLY candidate offering such a vital platform! The informed and adamantly dedicated patriots of American constitutionality and the American tradition of noble leadership, as well as an exemplary national moral code that served US and the world so well as the desirable, perfected model of responsible government envied throughout the world, has been reduced to smoke and ashes by our political class harlots in both the White House and the Congress. They serve only The Establishment and its untold wealth. And as Congress is unable to impeach, and is unable to investigate the deliberate assault on the American people on 9/11, they are more than able and willing to pass “legislation” that unconstitutionally bans firearms ownership for war veterans and to launch investigations of drug improprieties in professional baseball.

Ask yourself, does this “legislation” serve the interests of “We the People,” or those of The Establishment? And recall the power elite’s ultimate motive: the creation of a New World Order by disestablishing national sovereignties and subjugating the world’s citizens to serfdom. The horrific and egregious violations of our nation’s rule of law by the Bush regime supported and protected by the Democratic Congress operating totally under the dictatorial control of a criminal vice president entrenches an “administration” seemingly run by deranged or mindless criminals; and upon closer scrutiny, it is obvious that this is precisely what it has become! It is pure madness to reverse Mankind’s progress towards individual freedom and world peace!

It has always been the United States that has served as the sovereign role model for all the nations of Earth to emulate. In fact, that was the collective hope of the Founders in creating this nation of limited government allowing unlimited freedom to live life to its fullest while promoting and protecting the fruits of our honest labor in utilizing private property to create both personal and national wealth. It was the means to lead the way forward to spread such individual freedom globally. We demonstrated that a republican form of government can endure, and that a government of, by and for the people, and affirming a peoples’ success at self governance, was viable if indeed unprecedented.

No greater assault upon both America and its founding hypothesis has ever been so horrifically successful in this nation’s history than the unrelenting destructive legalistic barrage and well-planned and orchestrated follow-through than by these most destructive and far-reaching attacks from the present criminal Cheney-Bush dictatorship. The soviet regimes of Lenin and Stalin and every dictatorship in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics since have ever even come this close to achieving the threat we now face under Cheney-Bush. Even the so-called greatest monster in the world, Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, didn’t come anywhere this close to completely annihilating America’s principles and way of life. And in reality, it was Hitler who most aggressively stood up to the international bankers that offered the greatest militaristic challenge via his attempts to defeat New World Order communism. Read the rest of this entry »

Recent Activities and Partial History of Faction Two

The Opposition to the New World Order

By Rayelan Allan

It is obvious to most researchers of government crimes and corruption that EgyptAir 990 was purposely destroyed. The only question is: What method was used and why?

The mass murder of the passengers and crew of EgyptAir 990, occurred on Halloween, October 31st, 1999. For 20 years, this date has been an important one in the war between the two factions of the American Intelligence Agencies.

On October 31, 1979, President Jimmy Carter fired 700 CIA operatives and agents. This is referred to as the Halloween Massacre.

Some of these operatives and agents, such as George Bush, did not take kindly to being fired. They began to conspire to defeat Jimmy Carter in the 1980 election.

There were other covert types who knew that Carter had to be removed, no matter what had to be done. These men were part of a small black operation run by an old OSS man named William Joseph Casey.

During WWII, Casey quickly realized that he did not come from the right side of the tracks, as far as the OSS was concerned. Even though he was a lawyer from a respected New York Law School, he did not have the right pedigree. In other words, he was not from the East Coast Elite who were the children of the families who owned the Federal Reserve Banking System.

Casey saw less capable men given positions and assignments for which they were not qualified. He realized that the OSS was a private club, and no matter how good he was, he could not join it, because he was not born into the right family.

During World War II a conspiracy to murder Adolph Hitler was being planned. The men who were behind the conspiracy were mainly of royal blood. While they supported Hitler in the beginning, they quickly came to believe that he had come under the control of outside forces. Some even suspected that the occult masters who taught him in his early years, had somehow gained control of him, possibly through hypnosis or some form of mind control programming.

The conspirators could see that international corporations, mostly owned by the same families who owned the Federal Reserve banks, were the ones who were gaining the most by the war. The conspirators sought the help of England and the United States. Neither country wanted to help these men kill Hitler and end the war. The conspirators realized that if the war continued, Germany, Austria and all of the countries that made up the Old Austro-Hungarian Empire, would be bombed back into the stone age and destroyed almost beyond repair. Because of this, the conspirators knew they had to act, no matter how slim their chances were, and no matter what cost they would have to pay if they failed. Read the rest of this entry »